Monday 27 July 2020

Hanging on!

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Carefully, the young possums held on to their loving mother possum as tightly as they an for their lives .Cruelly they demolished her straight to the bottom brunch nearly to their death. They got back up on mother possum and mother possum was too tired...

Soon they wretched in the middle of the brunch and the sunset was nearly set, when the morning came they were on the of the tree. Luckily they found food left over from some campers nearby that left last night. Afterwards, they had enough energy.


  1. Sorry! i was sick-Absent on Friday and Thursday, Witch means i didn't get to finish this little story! I cant do it this week too because My group and I are working on another story!

  2. HaI bEsT-fRaNd
    I like your blog post about you amazing story.

  3. Hi Manogi my name is Melnina from Room 25. I like your blog post about the Possums, I remember when I did something like this.
    Thanks for sharing your learning
    Blog you later

  4. Hi Manogi, this is Megan from Room 7 - thanks for commenting on our blog. I love the way you have started lots of your sentences with interesting words, they made your story really descriptive. I'm glad the possum family found food in the end : ) bye

  5. Kia ora , my name is Remy and I’m in Room 8 from Owairaka District School. I like your post about possums the baby possums are cute but the mum is'nt that cute even if they aren't I amglad they found food. I really like how most of the sentence starters are ly's.
    Blog ya later.


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