Friday 7 August 2020

A school discovery! C:

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Exhausted, the children disembarked the bus, and stood huddled together on the road. It was a cold , foggy day, and so the children , wrapped up in coats and scarves, shivered as they waited for their instructions. 

They walked up the mountain on each side and walked across it to find something new or special, They stopped when they stumbled near a giant skeleton. They took a lot of pictures and left it there… 😚😚⛰⛰


  1. Hi Manogi. Great work on your writing! Your structure in this story is very strong! I love how you said that the children left the giant skeleton there, but did they find out what type of animal it was? Thank you for sharing your story on your blog with us!

    Blog you later!

  2. Kia Ora, my name is Cole and I’m from Room 25 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about a school discorvery. I remember when I did something like this before lockdown, but i didn't get to post it on my blog. How long do you think it took you to write and post this on to your blog?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog

    Blog you later,

  3. hey Me Lincoln room 24 i like your comment it is cool interesting i like the Dino sour bone and stuff. what dinosaur do you like?. it is cool i like does describing words and adverbs and stuff. it really cool 😄😄

  4. HI Manogi Khaalid here I really liked the way you described the weather. I think every ones going to like it. Next you could add more pictures in it

    Blog ya later Khaalid.

  5. Hello Manogi, It's Alan here. I really enjoyed how you described the weather. Did you enjoy creating this and how long did it take you?
    Blog ya later

  6. Hi maongi I really like your story but your picture is the best and it looks really creepy I woudlnt like to be near if it was real.
    blog later!!!
    Pls check my blog

  7. Hello Manogi, Wilbur here. I think your story is very interesting. How long did it take to make this piece of writing? Blog u later!!!


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