Friday 7 August 2020

The Steep Slope!

Excited,the young man walked up the slope, The sun was burning hot, and the sky was dark blue, and the wind was blowing in his face. Time passed by and he was nowhere near the top of the slope. But he never gave up, he got encouraged by his friends to keep on walking… 

About 24 minutes passed and he was only a quarter away from the top and already he was so tired, the sun was shining bright on him like he was a star, the wind helped a bit but not too much… The time was 3:36 pm when he started climbing and now it was about 4:53 pm. He was so tired, he walked every 5 minutes and took breaks…. 

FINALLY, he made it! He was tired and wanted rest, to realise he was the first person to climb up the slope and he has been watched...


  1. Hi, bloggers and teachers! Manogi here a student from Room 23! Sorry about the blurry picture! it came out a bit blurry from my screenshots :C
    Anyways, Thank you for checking out my blog, Come again
    Cya Bloggers!
    -Manogi <3

  2. Hi Manogi, my name is Hiwatt and I am from room 8. I really like your blog post about the steep slope I think reading it was very interesting and I think it was very very cool! 😁 But I have one single question for you. What would your reaction be if you travelled there and saw the skeleton? 😑 Anyways I love your post and it was amazeballsls! Sooooo Blog You Later!

  3. Hello Manogi I am Mikayla and I am in room 7!🐯🐯🐯
    This is a really cool blog post! And its okay if if is blurry because I have seen this before I did it in class😄!!! But you said he was the first one to go to the top of the mountain what about his friend did he come 2nd or did they both make it together??? Blog you later!!!!!!!!

  4. Kia Ora, my name is Cole and I’m from Room 25 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about a school discovery. I remember when I did something like this but I never posted it on my blog. Have you ever tried Making your post smaller or making your two writings in two posts?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog

    Blog you later,


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