Wednesday 17 November 2021

What is a quality blog comment?


Quality Blog Posts!


Hey bloggers! here's an overdue cybersmart work slide!

Monday 5 July 2021

Putting your rubbish in the right bin - Kaitiakitanga =)

Fresh and Smooth (Production ) =}


My Opinion About The Production. 

My opinion is that I enjoyed this production. There's Manaakitanga, Manawanuitanga, Kaitiakitanga and a lot of comedy. I find this production to be awesome and entertaining. I loved the characters, side characters, dances and songs. Owairaka did an amazing job, with the costumes, dances, scripts etc. This was fun to learn and practice, my classmates and I had a couple of laughs and we had fun. 19-21 classes performed in the production and we only had like 4-5 weeks to practice, and it came out awesome. The script speakers were amazing, even the Rimu team did great.

What it was like practicing with Room 23 

I think we started practicing in week 2 or 3?  

It was hard when our class had to restart the dance when someone messed up, to be honest it was exhausting!!! 

What song did we dance to?

We danced to Welcome home 

Children who had a speaking script in room 23.

Phillipa, Frances, Palak (Dayelle at the night performances), Aymen (Castiel ATNP), Tupou, and Bentley

Children who were featured in the short film video

Ashard, Palak, Dayelle, Navala, Yahya, and others (I forgot, sorry ) :{

What this production is about. 

So in the start we see two yogurt containers, One girl named fresh and a boy named smooth, they are siblings (Twins) and they lived in a family's fridge with alot of other foods like a carrot, milk, eggs, and many more. A mother took (I believe it was smooth) smooth out of her fridge and gave him to her daughter to eat, and put Fresh in her lunch box for school. Then smooth was put into a rubbish bin later disposed of to the ocean and as for fresh she ate her at school then threw her into the school drains, separating each other. (I believe Fresh went to Wellington and Smooth was floating in the ocean). Fresh went to wellington and smooth went floating around in the ocean, Fresh was in wellington for like 30 minutes and smooth was in the ocean for 3-5 hours. Fresh and Smooth went on many adventures to find each other. They went through rivers, oceans and forests. The ending is what my class performed, it's where fresh was found on the beach by Palak in a short film video in the starting. In that video its just about some children in Room 23 at Pt Chevalier and they were picking up plastic/rubbish scattered all around the beach and Palak (Student) found Fresh in a bunch of seaweed, then the teacher (Navala) called them all back, and then they went back to school. This is where Room 23s part was. First Phillipa said her line, then Frances, Palak (Dayelle), Aymen ( Castiel), and tupou. Room 23 went off stage then Fresh met Marmite (Bentley) and they talked and Marmite agreed to help Fresh find Smooth. After that, Smooth walked in then, that's how they found each other. That's the end. <3

Saturday 3 July 2021

The Lonely Man (What I see and my story) =)


What i see 

I see a man sitting on a broken tree, he has a green T-shirt, blue pants and black gumboots. The gorilla is small and chubby, it has black fur and long arms.

My story, 

Gently, the man sat down on the broken tree covering the passage way. Looking up he noticed the cold winter wind had brought with it some dark unpleasant clouds so sombre, it was like a big brick wall was covering the sun. It wasn't gonna rain according to the weather forecast,  but he believed it was gonna rain anyway. He knows nothing of the world other than the jungle, that's why he was so lonely. Desperate to have at least one friend he started talking to himself.  He sat there talking to himself and then he heard some leaves rustings, out came a gorilla. When they had an eye connection he felt something he had never felt before. It was as if the gorilla and him were meant for each other, the gorilla sat next to him and they both just looked down at the floor. 

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Quality Blog Posts =)

Fakalofa Lahi Atu everyone, yesterday Ms green gave my class and I a slide about cybersmart. I personally think Lucy and Natalia did an amazing job on making those slides. If you would like to check their DLO out, the link is in the comments. Bye!

My story template of Awarua the Taniwha of Porirua!!


Fakalofa Lahi Atu everyone, I wanted to share my story template with you guys, so here it is. This story is about, Awarua a purple Taniwha who lived on Porirua Harbour, and a white Albatross called Rereroa. Awarua wants to learn how to fly and she asks Rereroa to teach her how to fly. If you want to continue reading zoom in for better text quality ( I found it hard making the texts bigger)

Monday 14 June 2021

Friday 11 June 2021

Tuesday 1 June 2021

The Lion and the Mouse

 Book Review: The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright and Jim Field |

The Lion and the Mouse

Harry the brave lion was strong, mighty and brave and that's why the animal kingdom loved him and made him king. He has a thick shiny gingery orange mane, sharp teeth and claws, beautiful green glowing eyes, and soft skin. Harry made all the animals in the animal kingdom scared of him.

On the other hand the mouse was small and fragile, and squeaked every 10 seconds. Mouse would get scared of nearly everything he came across. Mouse has a small brown body with large yellow eyes.

Once the mouse got up the bumpy large rock lion slept on and tried to wake the lion up, he tried and tried but never succeed.Some animals nearby heard a squeaky trembling voice coming from the rock and were wondering what was going on. Mouse was still trying to wake the lion up, mouse yelled “Hey,King lion! Wake up!! You need to teach me how to roar!!”. After the mouse's non stop squeaky yelling stopped, the lion woke up. Lion screamed “Get off me!”, “Dont worry King lion, I'm friendly! I'm here to ask you if you can teach me how to roar”. After that they both learnt no matter your appearance we are the same all the same.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

The Tunnel writing 2


Sharks have a very large nose, a shark's nose covers most of their face so if it was rushing towards you. For an example, you would see the shark's nose, eyes or its fin depending if you are in the water or you are on a boat, or something in the water, or near the shark's territory.

I personally think that these characters would be happy and excited. The advice I would give them is, If you get frightened easily maybe you should leave the shark alone and paddle away.