Monday 27 July 2020

Hanging on!

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Carefully, the young possums held on to their loving mother possum as tightly as they an for their lives .Cruelly they demolished her straight to the bottom brunch nearly to their death. They got back up on mother possum and mother possum was too tired...

Soon they wretched in the middle of the brunch and the sunset was nearly set, when the morning came they were on the of the tree. Luckily they found food left over from some campers nearby that left last night. Afterwards, they had enough energy.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

The Artist's Boat Ship

George worked hard to finish his art work. He put in hours into his drawing and all he needed was peace and quiet place, 2 pencils, and an eraser. He watched the sunset so he quickly finished the first part of his work. After that night, he only finished the two sheets of paper on the top, The next day he was shading and colouring it with his sharp pencils, As time passed by, he has drawn the outline of the ship, He shaded it with his pencil and it broke but he NEVER gave up. A few moments later, he did the details on the ship. He was tired so he went to sleep. The next day he worked on the last thing which was shading the sails. He was amazing and felt great and he wanted to keep it so when times passed by, he could see the differences, so he put it in his art box.