Thursday 21 May 2020

Show Kindness

My presentation is about showing Kindness to everyone.


  1. i love your blog my name is losana i have to go see you when i see you

  2. kis ora Manogi,may name is mariam from room 25.I really liked when you added so much kind picture.I remember doing sothing similar to what you didi just not too slide.Manogi have you tried doing mabe more slide give it a long did this take to do?thanks for sharing here is my blog.I'ts under neath.

    1. sorry i ment kia ora

    2. Kia ora Mariam! Manogi here thanks for this lovely and positive comment, I know i don't have much on my blog like my blog is lonely. Thanks again Mariam. Oh yeah this took 7-9 minutes. Thanks....

      Blog ya leter Mariam, come again soon!

  3. Kia Ora Manogi.
    My name is Finley and I am from Room 6.
    I love your blog post about being kind.
    Keep it up. What kindness would you give to other people?
    Hey come and check my at Room 6. Blog you later Finley.

  4. Kia ora Finley! Thank you for your positive comment on my blog. I know my blog doesn't have much but thanks again and I will check out your blog! This is my answer I give people caring to other people! thanks again.

  5. HI Manogi my name is Melnina and I am in Room 25. I like your blog post about Kindness.
    That is very kind of you to show about kindness.
    Blog you Later

    1. Kia ora! Manogi here, a learning student in room 23.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog, on this slide presentation I made!
      Thank for showing me how i can be kind!
      -I look forward to read your blog!
      -Manogi- Come again!


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